Will Lula win in the election’s first round?

Falling into the trap the right wing has laid, many PT supporters and leaders are confident with the polls that point Lula as the winner already in the first round. This could not be further from the reality. The imperialism would not have arrested the former, overthrown President Dilma Roussef and elected Bolsonaro through fraud to allow the left wing back in Brazil and Latin America. So, the campaign against Lula has begun. Besides Guilherme Bolous and the PSOL that are engaged in taking away PT’s vote in Sao Paulo state election, the establishment press are publishing rumors to defame the PT. Recently the press released a piece which implied that Geraldo Alckmin would be Lula’s vice president. Alckimin is a PSDB well known politician, one of the responsible for the cuop, former Sao Paulo state governor who diverted money from school meals, in short a repobrate as each one of his party peers. The press policy is cause doubt among Lula’s voters and suppoters.

Lula is isolated in the political scene. Even if the Worker’s Party changed their candidate for someone trusted by the bourgeoise, it would secure the support of the imperialism. The scammers would support Bolsonaro once again if necessary to prevent a victory of Lula. The PT’s only possible strategy is to devote to a farther left government program.

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